Social Media Starter KIT

Profile Image

This image represents you throughout Facebook (or other social media platforms) to your current and potential followers. It appears in your news feed posts, replies and comments!

Cover Image

Your cover image should have the best resolution and look great on both desktop and mobile devices. It should not violate any copyrights, and should be professional, memorable and fresh.

Ad Image & Copywriting

Don’t waste your ad dollars with inefficient ads. Poor copywriting and blah images means users will keep on scrolling. And… Facebook will charge you higher prices to show your ads. Make sure you do not violate any Facebook Ad rules.

Facebook Carousel Ad

Your Best 'Face' On Facebook

Many businesses think they can create a Facebook page, boost a few posts and see the profits roll in. Not so fast. Your Facebook business page must be intentional and professional. And, you must know the basics of Facebook Ads or you will be throwing your money to the wind.

Facebook Profile and Cover Images

What We Did

  • Created brand identity: color and font styles,
  • Created 2 profile and 3 cover images, plus several post images,
  • Taught client the basics of Facebook Ads and algorithms,
  • Created a customized Facebook audience,
  • Advised on promotions to run,
  • Re-wrote copywriting for ad,
  • Color corrected (lightened) ad picture.

Social Media Starter Pack

Packages For Any Budget



$ 89
  • 1 profile or 1 cover image
  • 1 round of revisions
  • Jpgs for digital and print
  • Adobe Illustrator file
  • Font styles and color codes
10% off


$ 94
  • 1 profile image
  • 2 cover images
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • Jpgs for digital and print
  • Adobe Illustrator file
  • Font styles and color codes
  • 1 ad image (limited time)
25% OFF


$ 225
  • 1 profile image
  • 2 cover images
  • 2 rounds of revisions
  • Jpgs for digital and print
  • Adobe Illustrator file
  • Font style and color codes
  • 1 ad image
  • Copywriting for ad
  • Copywriting for ABOUT
10% OFF
  1. Pick your package and choose your social media platform.
  2. Contact me and I will email you an invoice and some questions.
  3. I will schedule a call with you and we’ll talk!
  4. Once payment is made, I will send you a mockup in 3-5 business days.
  5. After receiving your feedback, I will send you final images in 2-3 business days.

Additional revisions are possible. You will also receive the native files (Adobe Illustrator) in case you ever want to update the images or create new material.

Tips & Tricks!

You need help if:

  • your current images are ‘falling out of the boundaries on mobile devices,
  • you are planning to boost a post or purchase ads,
  • your competitor looks better than you,
  • you have no brand identity — meaning your images are forgettable and not cohesive.

With so many competitors vying for your customers, these images are your ‘face’ of  your business. They help you to stand out. First impressions count. Potential customers want to be confident in their purchases.

Yes! Make sure the photo is high quality and genuinely reflects who you are. The best photos are ones done by professional photographers. Use those photos across your social media. However, a photo shoot can be expensive for a start up. Until you do not have the cash-flow to afford a professional shoot, a graphic designer can help. A designer can design an image or even turn a photo you took with your phone into something special.

Yes! I recommend getting a free account on It has free images you can use or you can use your own images. You may also purchase images from stock images sites like 

Be aware that Canva’s templates for social media covers are set to ‘desktop’ viewing, so the images will look different on a mobile device. So, for example, design your Facebook cover with the images and text away from the edges to prevent them from ‘falling out’ on a mobile device.

If you want a hands-on experience in designing the images, I do a Zoom meeting with you and present my computer screen as I design the images using Adobe Creative Suite.

Because time and time again, I see small business owners who never received such files and only received the final images. The business owner runs into trouble if the designer goes AWOL. Re-engineering a logo or image is difficult, time-consuming and often impossible.

When I give you those files, I am empowering you to take control of your marketing, your brand, your business and its future.

Limited Time Offer

Free custom Ad image with purchase of the Premium Package.

Need Help With Social Media Management and Ads?

Yep. We Do That, Too!